Sunday, March 24, 2013

U.S. Retirement Poll: The Big Lie And The Big Fantasy


The Employee Benefit Research Institute just rolled out its 23rd annual Retirement Confidence Survey and before you roll your eyes � another retirement survey?! � let me mention that it�s the mother of them all.

That�s why I think attention must be paid.

(The institute interviewed 1,003 workers, as well as 251 retirees, by phone in January.)

But the survey findings you�ll be hearing a lot about aren�t the ones I think are most illuminating. I expect these will be the headline grabbers:

  • 57% of U.S. workers (and 47% of those 45 and older) said they have less than $25,000 in savings and investments, excluding their homes.
  • 49% are not confident about being able to afford a comfortable retirement, the highest level in the survey�s history.

(MORE: The Latest Insider Views on Retirement)

As I see it, though, the highlights of the Retirement Confidence Survey are what I�d call the Big Lie and the Big Fantasy.

The Big Lie

The Big Lie is my view of what the respondents say about their inability to save for retirement.

Only 57% of workers are actively saving for retirement, according to the survey, down from 65% in 2009.

Employees eligible to contribute to 401(k) or similar savings plans at work cited the cost of living and day-to-day expenses as the top reasons why they don�t invest in those plans or don�t invest more. Roughly 1 in 5 (18%) said they cannot afford to save more. Workers age 45 or older who aren�t confident about having enough money for a comfortable retirement said they think they need to save an (absurdly high) average of 43% of their income.

But the head of Mathew Greenwald & Associates, the research firm that conducts the annual survey, says Americans� explanation for their saving troubles is �not really true.�

Greenwald says that in previous surveys when people were asked if they could afford to save $25 a week more for retirement or start saving $25 a week, most said they could. When asked what they�d have to give up, Greenwald says, �the main thing cited was eating out.� Others identified various �minor ways of cutting back,� he adds, like spending less on entertainment, clothes and impulse buys.

�While people feel the pressures of maintaining their lifestyles, which is real, they also know after a little introspection that there are some things they can relatively easily cut back on that would permit more saving for retirement,� Greenwald says.

(MORE: The Record Stock Market and Your Retirement Portfolio)

I have no doubt that economic times are so tough for some, especially lower-income Americans, that saving for the future is impossible, or nearly so. Indeed, only 24% of workers with household incomes under $35,000 have saved for retirement, down sharply from 49% in 2009.

But, otherwise, I�m with Greenwald: Many Americans could save more for retirement if they committed themselves to this goal.

The Big Fantasy

One reason they don�t sock away money for the future is what I call the Big Fantasy.

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