Pan American Silver Corp. (USA) NASDAQ:PAAS opened at $33.77 and with a fall of 3.00% closed at $32.34. Company’s fifty days average price is $37.98 whereas it has a market capitalization $3.47 billion.
The total of 2.40 million shares was transacted over last trading day.
Informatica Corporation NASDAQ:INFA opened at $44.14 and with a fall of 2.79% closed at $42.57. Company’s fifty days average price is $43.35 whereas it has a market capitalization $3.99 billion.
The total of 1.53 million shares was transacted over last trading day.
Silver Standard Resources Inc. (USA) NASDAQ:SSRI opened at $23.30 and with a fall of 2.32% closed at $22.73. Company’s fifty days average price is $26.06 whereas it has a market capitalization $1.80 billion.
The total of 1.54 million shares was transacted over last trading day.
STEC, Inc. NASDAQ:STEC opened at $21.67 and with a fall of 2.31% closed at $21.12. Company’s fifty days average price is $17.92 whereas it has a market capitalization $1.08 billion.
The total of 1.51 million shares was transacted over last trading day.
Veeco Instruments Inc. NASDAQ:VECO opened at $46.35 and with a fall of 2.01% closed at $44.75. Company’s fifty days average price is $44.54 whereas it has a market capitalization $1.79 billion.
The total of 1.29 million shares was transacted over last trading day.
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