The president signed the “Affordable Care Act” in 2009, we are now seeing a few of the benefits of healthcare reform take effect. The signing of what might just be one of the most important bills to ever be made into a law was not a moment of great joy for the president. He was opposed form all sides including some of his own constituents. If government is for the people why are they always opposed to doing something for the people.
The main opposition was from those that, in my opinion, had to have something to loose by the president’s attempt to get the insurance and pharmaceutical companies to stop gouging the public. They used every scare tactic in the book to get public opinion on their sides.
It was even rumored that you would be fined or arrested if you didn’t buy health insurance. This one was said within earshot of this writer and it amazed me the conviction with which it was delivered. The amazing part is that it was being said by one of the people that would likely benefit from healthcare reform the most.
It is this type of misinformation that needs to be addressed. The new provisions are not in place to put a chokehold on citizens to force them to buy insurance. It is set up to get the insurance companies to make the insurance premiums affordable for even the lowest incomes.
We heard about how it would be that every American should have insurance but they left out the part about lowering the rates. Low-income people were led to believe that they would have to purchase insurance at the high premiums that are currently in place. By leading them to further believe that it was going to be a mandatory action they were frightened thinking about how this would take most of their income.
This is just what the opposition wanted for the people who would benefit from healthcare reform to be the ones who rejected it. On the other hand the people who are capable of paying their own way at the currant premiums were lead to believe that the burden to taxpayers would increase mightily. This was unacceptable so they too rejected the idea sight unseen.
Below are a few of the items that are a part of the package judge for yourself.
1.The “Community Living Assistance Services and Supports Act will establish long-term care programs that are public not privately owned. This will make it cheaper for those who need to be in assisted living. The program is completely VOLUNTARY, but if you choose to participate after five years of being in the program if you were to become disabled you would get a cash benefit to help pay for services and support.
2.Medicaid recipients will assist with payments for prescription medicines. This is one healthcare reform benefit that is really needed. Every year there are thousands forced to choose between a meal and their life giving medicines. Medicare Part “D” was supposed to help but there are so many loopholes in it that a lot of people simply fall through the cracks.
3.There is also a provision that allows parents to keep their adult children on their coverage until age 26. This is a great help to parents that have to also care for an elderly parent and their kids.
There are many more provisions that the healthcare reform act has. They are similar to these and addresses the problem of a nation who that has been so driven by greed that its citizens are dying without access to medical care. This is indeed a shame since there are poorer countries than hours that provide healthcare for all of its citizens.
Next, find out more about benefits of the health care reform in the best specialized website available on such delicate topic.
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