FB proved incompetent leadership even before their IPO.Imagine if on the day of the IPO FB announced the purchase/takeover of RIMM andNOKIA. How much would the share be worth if that sort of tactic was used andaction was taken? I am sure we would be talking about FB in the $80 with also aminicollapse in GOOG and AAPL shares. I advice small businesses and for whatsuppose to be one of the future biggest company to handle their IPO with suchan incompetence is unbelievable and honestly is an indicator of a demise of FB.This is a ruthless era and such a foolish mistakes are (and will) be punished.FB is building its own Smartphone! as if Apple and Android would wait for themto do so. My guess by the time FB releases their phone, the share would be inthe junk territory joining Nokia and RIM. Sell FB if you made the mistake ofbuying it and pick a trusted stock like Apple or Amazon with a proven trackrecord of strategic and tactical know how and not an armature, over hyped andover valued company run by few idiots and greedy manipulators
Holding:No Position Disclosure: Ihave no posiyion in any of the companies mentioned in the article
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