Sunday, July 22, 2012

How Twitter Made Business Decisions For Companies In 2011


In the past few days, Verizon and have both reversed courses, pushed to change policies and proclamations by a groundswell of customer dissatisfaction. After thousands of customers switched away from domains, prompted to do so by a social media campaign headed by Reddit users, the company reversed its approval of the SOPA Internet-censorship bill. Verizon�s ill-conceived $2 fee for one-time online payments couldn�t even survive 24 hours, immediately targeted by vocal web users. Both companies are just the latest examples of an age-old expression given a modern twist: The active social media customer is always right.

It started last year, when Gap proposed a new logo that was universally derided on Twitter, Tumblr and more. Gap�s new logo, which featured a white background and a small blue square, was mocked and parodied on all forms of social media, prompting campaigns to restore the original logo. Within a week of introducing the new logo design, the company had returned to its traditional blue and white square. It set the tone for a 2011 full of company reversals, spurred by vocal online backlash.

Perhaps the company that faced the most online backlash in 2011 was Netflix, which heard the clamoring hordes after CEO Reed Hastings announced Netflix would be splitting its DVD and streaming packages into separate services and charging more for each. The social media cries were nearly deafening, as Twitter timelines filled with cancelation threats. The company attempted to jog left by announcing a complete separation of streaming and DVD services � and the creation of DVD-by-mail service called Qwikster � but that change, too, was met with protest. Although some of the pricing plan change stuck, Netflix abandoned Qwikster a few short weeks later. Still, Netflix�s customer service ratings suffered as a result of its mixed message, even though the company eventually reversed course.

HP also announced a change in its business model, only to turn back (and change leadership) after hearing support for its personal computers on Twitter and other social media networks. In August, CEO-at-the-time Leo Apotheker announced that HP would be ditching its personal computer business, in favor of other markets. He was quickly removed from his position as HP CEO and replaced by Meg Whitman. Whitman announced that the company would continue to produce personal computers, although it will not make any more TouchPad tablets.

Verizon wasn�t the only company to change its mind about charging customers fees after customers took to social media to protest the change. After growing backlash � and public promises from competitors not to follow suit � Bank of America was forced to retract its announced $5/month debit card fees at the end of October. �We have listened to our customers very closely over the last few weeks and recognize their concern with our proposed debit usage fee,� said David Darnell, co-chief operating officer at Bank of America. �As a result, we are not currently charging the fee and will not be moving forward with any additional plans to do so.�

Social media has changed the way companies and customers interact, and often David ends up taking Goliath down. 2011 was a year of companies igniting social media firestorms and then putting them out by changing their tone � will 2012 continue the trend?

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