Thursday, March 14, 2013

Like LIBOR, Gold Being Manipulated

U.S. regulators are finally "looking into" the blatant fact that, like LIBOR, prices of gold and silver are being manipulated. 

Of course, no "formal investigation" has been launched. The Commodity Futures Trading Commission is just sniffing around. 

Does it really matter, though? It's proven Fed officials knew about LIBOR manipulation years before it was revealed publicly. 

And though LIBOR sets interest rates for trillions worth of loans, and it's manipulation stole money from individuals, business, and cities and towns, the responsible banks -- UBS, Barclays, HSBC, and many others -- were never charged and paid a paltry penalty of $2.5 billion. 

Now, many of the same banks have been accused of manipulating gold and silver prices as well. It's been known about and reported on for years. 

Will people be arrested? Will tranparency come to the metals market? Will the Establishment banking and regulatory cartel admit that they're manipulating markets and covering it up?

Naturally, the CFTC declined to comment. 

Carry on, muppet. 


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