If it is not enough that God came down from the heavens to see the Tower of Babel, and then separate each soul by a foreign language so that they could not talk to one another but now here lies a terminology, a language, to be used amongst the masses of foreign exchange so that they can understand one another leaving non-Forex citizens out of the loop.
As I set out to learn the language of the Forex player’s world all I heard at first was babble. It all seemed to make perfect sense to the foreign exchange inhabitants. It is a language of shortened phrases, acronyms, and idioms that explain what is needed during the speeches of exchanges and trades. It is a language known best by traders. One that must be known and understood by any new or experience Forex civilian.
To not be prepped and educated in the use of this speech, to communicate with fellow speakers, will leave you out in the cold. A career of a Forex trader can be laid to rest if there is confusion of the terminology or an unawareness of the sayings they use. That is for now.
The leading financial market of the world is Forex which trades all global currencies in real time. The basic language is a must to shine at all in the Forex market.
Basic terminology
To get by in the utmost way one must know at least the basic terminology of the Forex globe.
Bullish, if you are bullish you have a general tendency to trade on the long side of a currency pair and believe that pair will increase in price.
Bearish, if you are bearish you will have a general tendency to trade on the short side of a currency pair and believe that pair will decrease in price.
Going long refers to buying a currency pair with the hope that the price will go up.
Selling a currency that is not yet owned with the intent that there will be a decrease in price so that the currency pair can be put back at a lower price than it was sold for is called, Going Short.
5) Pip- a popular word meaning the smallest price change a currency pair can make. Generally it is equal to 10USD on full size lots of 100,000.
The offering of information to the seller on the variety of prices being offered is Range. It also the highest and lowest prices of the currencies.
There are tons of websites, and dictionaries that offer a full range of definitions for the Forex world of language. If you are interested in a Forex trading career you must be fully prepped on the terminology needed for conversation. If you are not you will be one of the lost souls roaming around not being able to talk to any of your fellow Forex inhabitants. And nobody wants that, do you?
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